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Collaborating for Energy Efficiency & Climate Action

A&E Gütermann has become a member of the “Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies” network, which aims to make a significant contribution to the climate and energy policy goals of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Gutach, July 01, 2024 – How can companies significantly improve their energy efficiency and reduce both energy consumption and costs? Networking is an effective way of doing this. Networking is an effective way of doing this. Sharing knowledge, gathering experience, networking with experts, forming cooperations and exploiting synergies. There are 13 networks in Germany. Their members (a total of 42 companies) work together intensively over a period of at least two years to increase energy efficiency in their companies. One of the goals is to derive measures from the joint work to noticeably reduce energy consumption. A&E Gütermann is a member of the Sustainability Network: Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies.

The network is supported by various federal ministries, associations, organizations and companies. In addition to increasing energy efficiency in industry, trade, commerce and the energy sector, the focus is on climate protection, energy transition and sustainability. By the end of 2025, 300 to 350 new networks will be created with the goal of saving nine to 11 terawatt hours of energy and five to six million tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

Added Value for Businesses
On average, these networks consist of eight to 15 companies that come together for two to three years and set common savings targets. Members support each other in implementing efficiency measures and benefit from a lively exchange of best practices. The implementation of the agreement is accompanied by annual voluntary monitoring.

A&E Gütermann benefits from its participation in many ways, including:

  • Pooling of expertise and resources
  • Utilization of government funding programs
  • Gaining energy and environmental expertise within the company
  • Creation of targeted sustainability measures for energy efficiency and climate protection
  • Significantly reducing energy costs
  • Strengthen competitiveness
  • Professional support from moderators and qualified energy consultants

Sustainability Projects at A&E Gütermann
Concrete measures are underway at A&E Gütermann. The existing compressor station is currently being modernized and converted to a new 6.5 bar system which uses around 50% less energy than the old system. This will save approximately 250,000 kWh per year and reduce maintenance and repair costs.

Another recent initiative is the installation of a photovoltaic system on the roof of our Dyed Goods Warehouse with an output of 99.99 kWp. The plan is to provide 100 % of our own energy needs, and at 0.41 kg of emissions per 1 kWh of electricity, this will save approximately 40.00 tons of emissions per year.

The future project “Boiler Room Energy/Steam/Hot Water Supply” has been initiated. The aim is to reduce CO2 and use more environmentally friendly energy.
The investments are in line with Elevate’s company-wide goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Energy and GHG reduction investments are a legal requirement, must be verified and will also be relevant for ISO 50001 certification.

More information at www.effizienznetzwerke.org

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